No,120 : D-28 ±¹¸³Áß¾Ó¹Ú¹°°ü °³°ü
Architectural Tour Network
ÀÏÁ¤ (mm/dd/yy-mm/dd/yy):2005.10.28
D-28 ±¹¸³Áß¾Ó¹Ú¹°°ü °³°ü  


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One of the world¡¯s 6 largest museums
Museums have often been examples of the most progressive architectural trends, having led architectural innovations throughout history. The project to construct a new building for the National Museum of Korea, to be one of the world¡¯s 6 largest museums, was no exception to the rule. It was conceived in November 1993, when the Korean government decided to relocate the National Museum from the former Japanese Colonial Headquarters, where it is currently located, to a new edifice to be built in Seoul¡¯s Yongsan Family Park. An international design competition was held, and the winning proposal was selected. The elaboration of the preliminary plan and program was made in collaboration with museum experts in a variety of specialty areas. The international design contest took place under the aegis of the International Union of Architects (UIA) serving as a supervisory body. As the first international design contest in Korea, carried out according to due procedures, the competition was a landmark event, which also did wonders for the international image of Korean architecture. The new museum, more than just an architectural edifice, is expected to provide a new symbol for Korea¡¯s culture and historicity.

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¹øÈ£Á¦ ¸ñ¤FÀº´ñ±ÛÀ̸§ÀÏÁ¤Áö¿ªÀÛ¼ºÀÏÁ¶È¸
122   Çѱ¹°ÇÃ๮ȭ´ë»ó Àü½Ãȸ   ±èÀº¼ö10.27 ~ 11.1  Seoul  10/28(±Ý)  3348
121   Alvaro siza Àü½Ãȸ  1  ±èÀº¼ö11.3~12.11  Seoul  10/16(ÀÏ)  5021
120   D-28 ±¹¸³Áß¾Ó¹Ú¹°°ü °³°ü    ±èÀº¼ö2005.10.28  Seoul  09/30(±Ý)  3269
119   Àΰ£À»À§ÇÑ µµ½ÃµðÀÚÀÎî÷    ±èÀº¼ö2005.9.9~10.3  Seoul  09/26(¿ù)  4712
118   ¸®¸ðµ¨¸µ Çлý°ø¸ðÀü Àü½Ãȸ °³ÃÖ ¾È³»   Àü½Ãȸ09/30-10/3  Seoul  2005/09/09  3566
117   Á¤¸²°ÇÃà»óÀü½Ãȸ    ±èÀº¼ö8.26~9.1  Seoul  08/30(È­)  3031
116   »õ·Î¿î¼¼±â,»õ·Î¿î¹Ì¼ú°üî÷    ±èÀº¼ö2005.6.10~7.21  Korea  06/20(¿ù)  2673
115   Making Dreams by TADAO ANDO  1  ±èÀº¼ö2005.6.14  Seoul  06/02(¸ñ)  3094
114   ÇÔ¼ºÈ£ ¼±»ý´ÔÀÇ °ÇÃ๮ȭ °­Á¸¦ ¼Ò°³ÇÕ´Ï´Ù.   Ç®·Î¿«ÀºÁý10/06/05-29/07-05  ¼­¿ï ±¤È­¹®  06/01(¼ö)  3665
113   Vincente Guallart °ø°³Æ¯°­ ¾È³»    UA2005/05/19  ¼­¿ï  05/16(¿ù)  2464

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